Trade Fair Communication

A successful trade fair communication

IFA Berlin

Even in times of digital and social media, trade fair communication is still an important marketing tool. This includes not only the direct exchange with journalists on-site but also a successful presentation of the trade fair in the media.

As a lead agency, we take care of Sharp’s successful IFA communication and the coordination of PR activities within our European agency network. But also tasks apart the classical PR are our specialty.

The IFA in Berlin is the largest Consumer Electronics Show in Europe and, at the same time, the most important event of the year for many of our customers. New products and innovative technologies are presented, customer and partner meetings take place and preparations for the Christmas business period get started.

Therein, good preparation is half the battle. Together with the customer, we develop key messages, create press releases for Sharp’s new product highlights and accompany the content and graphic preparation of the press conference presentation.

With an official letter of invitation, we invite journalists from all over Europe to the press conference as well as to interviews and product demonstrations at the Sharp stand. We also take care of appointment coordination and participant management across all European countries.

After IFA comes another IFA – also an exciting time for us. Whether new contacts or well-known faces, the personal exchange with the journalists at the fair is an important part of our work.

When things get serious on-site, we actively support the customer in his press appointments at the booth and ensure that the press conference runs smoothly.